Why is it Harder to Play Guitar Standing Up? Overcoming It

Have you ever wondered, “why is it harder to play guitar standing up compared to sitting down?”. You’re not alone. This issue has puzzled many guitarists, both beginners and experts alike. But don’t worry, this problem is both common and solvable. In this article, we will unravel the intricacies of this challenge and offer you a systematic guide to overcome it.

Why is it Harder to Play Guitar Standing Up

Understanding the Problem – Why is it Harder to Play Guitar Standing Up?

Understanding why playing guitar standing up poses challenges can be the first step toward mastering the technique. It’s a concern that goes beyond simple discomfort; it’s rooted in three fundamental aspects: posture, balance, and muscle memory.

Posture: When you’re sitting down, the chair supports your back, and you can easily rest the guitar on your lap. This minimizes the work your muscles have to do to hold the guitar in place. Standing up, however, changes the equation. Now, your back and shoulders take on the full responsibility of maintaining the correct posture.

Balance: Balancing a guitar while standing can be trickier than it looks. Unlike when you’re seated, your body’s center of gravity changes, requiring extra focus and muscle work to keep the guitar stable. This can be especially challenging if you’re playing a particularly heavy guitar.

Muscle Memory: Most people learn guitar initially in a seated position. Therefore, your muscle memory is tuned to playing while seated. Standing up to play requires a reconfiguration of that muscle memory, which can take some time and definitely some practice.

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When these elements are combined, you have a scenario where your mind and body have to work extra hard to maintain posture and balance, leaving fewer cognitive resources available for the intricate task of guitar playing. This is why your performance might suffer when you switch from sitting to standing.

Addressing Posture Issues

Addressing the issue of posture is the initial and perhaps most critical step in overcoming the difficulty of playing guitar while standing up. The concept might sound simple, but it can make a tremendous difference in your playing.

Straight Back: Always remember to keep your back straight. Slouching can not only affect your guitar playing but also lead to back issues in the long run. A straight back ensures better weight distribution, allowing you to balance the guitar better.

Flat Feet: Make sure your feet are flat on the ground and roughly shoulder-width apart. This provides a strong foundation and helps distribute your body weight evenly, which in turn makes it easier to balance the guitar.

Guitar Height: Your guitar should hang at a height where your hands naturally rest. This ensures that you don’t have to stretch or contract your arms too much, which can lead to muscle fatigue and, subsequently, mistakes in your playing.

To achieve the ideal height, adjust the guitar strap until your hand can comfortably reach every fret without straining.

Strap Settings: Guitar straps usually come with adjustable lengths. Take some time to find the strap length that allows you to maintain a straight back, flat feet, and a comfortably positioned guitar. You might need to adjust the strap a few times to find your ideal position, and that’s perfectly okay.

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Finding the Right Strap Length

The importance of finding the right strap length for your guitar can’t be overstated. The strap’s role isn’t just to keep the guitar attached to your body; it’s also about providing the optimum angle and height for your hands to access the fretboard and strumming area effectively.

Too Short: A strap that’s too short will force the guitar to sit high on your chest. This may make it difficult to look at the fretboard and can also result in an awkward angle for your arm and wrist. In worst-case scenarios, it can even lead to muscle strain or repetitive stress injuries over time.

Too Long: On the flip side, a strap that’s too long will make the guitar hang too low. This can make it challenging to reach the frets and to strum effectively. It may also lead to you adopting a hunched posture, which is neither healthy nor conducive for good guitar playing.

Experimentation: Finding the right length will require some trial and error. Start by adjusting the strap while standing in front of a mirror. Pay attention to how your body feels, and try playing a few chords or scales. Make minor adjustments and repeat until you find the most comfortable position.

Practicing Regularly

Even with the perfect strap length and ideal posture, you won’t get far without consistent practice. The key to mastering the art of playing the guitar while standing up lies in dedicated, focused practice sessions.

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Time Commitment: Aim for at least 20 minutes of standing practice each day. It’s just long enough to make progress but short enough to prevent muscle fatigue.

Progressive Comfort: As you continue your practice, you’ll notice that maintaining posture and balance will become second nature. This will allow you to allocate more mental resources to actually playing the guitar, thus improving your overall performance.

Challenge Yourself: Once you get comfortable, introduce more complex pieces into your practice routine. The better you get while practicing in a standing position, the more confidently you’ll be able to perform.

Professional Help

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you might find it challenging to make the transition smoothly. This is when professional guidance can make a huge difference.

Personalized Instruction: A qualified guitar instructor can analyze your technique and pinpoint specific areas where you can improve. They can tailor their instruction based on your unique challenges and strengths.

Accountability: Having a teacher will also give you an added layer of accountability. Regular lessons mean regular assessments of your progress, which can be highly motivating.

Expert Tips: An experienced instructor will offer you expert tips and tricks that you might not find in standard tutorials or guides. These can sometimes make a world of difference in improving your skill level.

Conclusion: Why is it Harder to Play Guitar Standing Up

So, why is it harder to play guitar standing up? The factors are multifaceted, ranging from posture and balance to muscle memory. But with the right approach and consistent practice, you can master this technique and perform effortlessly in any position. Happy strumming!